Quality Forest 2017-2019
Quality Forest: An Erasmus+ project
Project Reference: 2017-1-ES01-KA202-038677
Promotor: CTFC Solsona (Spain)
Contact: rosa.ricart@ctfc.cat
QualityForest: Why?
The project addresses the challenge to elaborate a new professional qualification that includes all the competences of ECC (European Chainsaw Certificate)...
Some EFESC members (Belgium, France and Spain) and new partners (Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia) will collaborate to elaborate a proposal with the support of other entities and training centres as associated partners.
Two outputs will be created within the project: an occupational standard (O1) and a Learning and assessment guide (O2).
The aims of the project are to fulfil the demands of the industry and to:
- Reduce accidents & fatalities
- Reduce associated economic & personal costs related to accidents
- Improve & enhance operator skills and efficiency in the workplace
- Enhance operator mobility and employability throughout Europe
- Improve & expand delivery of existing vocational training and assessment standards
- Encourage & promote life-long learning and continuous professional development
- Improve transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications in Europe.
Latest News
Here you'll find the most recent developments in the project...
October the 1st of 2019 – The Quality Forest project has officially ended!
You can now download in the language of your choice the main productions of this 3 years project by going on the section called “production”. You will there find the Occupational Standard and the Learning and Assessment Guide developed by the Quality Forest partners.
Solsona (Spain) 29-30 May 2019 - 4th transnational meeting organised by CTFC
La Bastide des Jourdans (France) 20-21 November 2018 - 3rd transnational meeting organised by Centre Forestier.
Brussels 17-18 April 2018 - 2nd transnational meeting organised by Natuurinvest.
Barcelona 27-28 November 2017 - Kick-off meeting at Consorci per a la Formació Contínua de Catalunya and at Col·legi Major Penyafort. The project launch marks the official beginning of project implementation activities.
Throughout the project (October 2nd, 2017, to October 1st, 2019), 13 multiplier events were organised by the partners of the project...
1st multiplier event : Quality Forest en Hazi, Spain – 18th of September 2018
2nd multiplier event : Quality Forest en Madrid – 19th of September 2018
3rd multiplier event : Quality Forest en Barcelona – 26th of September 2018
4th multiplier event : Quality Forest a Solsona – 22nd of May 2019
5th multiplier event : Quality Forest en CFEA Lourizan – 10th of June 2019
6th multiplier event : Quality Forest en Cantabria – 11th of June 2019
7th multiplier event : Quality Forest en Jaca – 16th of September 2019
8th multiplier event : Quality Forest en Andalucia – 23rd of September 2019
9th multiplier event : Quality Forest in France – 26th and 27th of June 2019
On the 26th and 27th of June 2019, the Centre Forestier de la region Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur held a Quality Forest multiplier event in its premises, taking advantage of the presence of many international guests here to take part to the EFESC standard committee and to the general assembly of forestry training centres in France. They were presented with Quality Forest’s main productions, namely the Occupational Standard and the Learning and Assessment Guide, as well as with the direct impact of the project on EFESC.
10th multiplier event : Quality Forest meets Belgium – 12th of June 2019
11th multiplier event : Quality Forest meets Bulgaria – 12th of June 2019
12th multiplier event : Quality Forest in Poland – 17th of September 2019
13th multiplier event : Quality Forest in EFESC – 28th of November 2019
Here, you can download all the results of the project, in all languages...
Global overview of the results:
Results download:
Here you can download in all languages spoken by the partners the Occupational Standard (Intellectual Output 1) and the Learning and Assessment Guide (intellectual output 2) of the Quality Forest project.
Social Networks
The partners are promoting the project using social media. They aim to build a community of targeted followers and make them aware that something of interest in forestry training is on track!...
CTFC - Rosa RICART Twitter...
Centre Forestier - Christian SALVIGNOL Twitter...
A wide European partnership
The consortium is composed by 3 National Agencies of EFESC, SFM partners’ organisations and 2 organisations involved in lifelong traning from 7 European countries.
CTFC (Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya) at SOLSONA - Spain is the promotor of the project.
Rosa M. Ricart Margineda |
The mission of CTFC is to contribute to the modernisation and competitiveness of the forest sector, to rural development and to the sustainable management of natural habitats, through research, transfer of knowledge and technology to society and with the aim of becoming a reference centre at national and international level...
The Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC), based in Solsona (Lleida), was formed initially between the County Council of Solsonès and the University of Lleida, and later the Provincial Council of Lleida, the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation, the Government of Catalonia and the Autonomous University of Barcelona were incorporated. The CTFC is appointed to the Administration of the Government of Catalonia and interacts with it by the relevant Department in the field of forests. It also belongs to the CERCA network of Catalan research centers.
Christian SALVIGNOL |
The Centre Forestier de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur is the regional vocational and educational training centre for forestry in the south-east region of France.
It offers many possible courses, both for young people and for adults, through work-based learning, educational and vocational training in many kinds of forestry activities : forest management, manual and mechanized harvesting, skidding, tree surgeons and forestry enterprise management.
Furthermore, the Centre Forestier offers different training diplomas adapted to clients’ specific needs (small enterprises and big public organisations at national level, such as the French operator of the public electricity transmission network ENEDIS).
The Centre Forestier, supported by a European partnership, was one of the founders of the European Network of Forestry Training Centers: EDUFOREST in 1998. Thanks to this network we are strongly involved in different European cooperation projects linked to forestry training.
Within this framework, the Centre Forestier is the French EFESC National Agency that validates other French forestry training centres to deliver the European Chainsaw Certificate (ECC).
Esperanza Rodriguez Rodriguez |
The Consorci per a la Formació Contínua de Catalunya (CFCC) started its activity in 2004 in the framework of the Employment Service of Catalonia. It is made up, on one hand, of the Generalitat de Catalunya and, on the other, of both the Management Organizations and the Trade Unions in Catalonia.
The Consorci has two main goals:
-To provide a wide range of training courses (catalogue) to improve and update the worker’s knowledge, skills and competences in order to meet the demands of the labour market.
-To conduct different activities related to the promotion and dissemination of the continuing training and lifelong learning.
Among these activities the Consorci takes part as an advisor partner in some European projects especially related to the definition of vocational training paths, the creation of occupational standards and the recognition of some qualifications/learning outcomes.
On behalf of the Flemish Agency for Nature and Forests, Natuurinvest invests in projects that enhance people’s experience of nature.
Together with private and public partners Natuurinvest ensures that more people can thoroughly enjoy nature in many different ways. To guarantee that nature in Flanders is managed in the best possible way, Natuurinvest also invests in programmes that boost the knowledge and insights of people.
Within Natuurinvest, Inverde is the prime partner for trainings on forestry, green space and nature management. It is a member of the European network of recognised training centres and national agency for the European Chainsaw Certificate. Inverde organises more than 200 training modules and tailor made trainings.
Everybody can register for these trainings: private and public managers of forestry, green space and nature areas; employees of the Agency for Nature and Forests; forest entrepreneurs and everybody with an interest in the management of green space.
Pedro Serra Ramos +35.192.760.1580 |
ANEFA – Associação Nacional de Empresas Florestais, Agrícolas e do Ambiente, is the National Association that serves the interests of a wide range of companies, both in technical services, the production of plants, forestry, agriculture and green spaces, including processing and marketing of agricultural and forestry products.
As a representative of micro, small and medium service companies, ANEFA is involved in the work of multiple Councils, Commissions and Working Groups within the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Social Security and Labor, Ministry of Economy and Cities, Territory and Environment and negotiations with the Sector Unions.
ANEFA publishes its own magazine and makes part of the Expoflorestal Organization that organizes an exhibition every two years.
ANEFA provides to all members information on agricultural, forestry and environmental policy measures, public tender communications, market information, and the dissemination of events. In addition, it participates in defining the professions associated with the sector and has developed a training program to support the different companies on those sectors. At the European level ANEFA is part of different Confederations, representing Portugal.
Maria Bitel Project Coordinator +48.914.830.744 |
SZCZECINSKA SZKOTA WYZSZA COLLEGIUM BALTICUM founded in 2000 is continuously ranked as one of the best private universities in northern Poland.
It is characterized by great human capital and huge development potential. School authorities have managed to build an institution that gives its students a solid education and thus a great start to their professional life. It is desired to provide young adults with knowledge comprising many fields so that they can receive an interdisciplinary education providing them with a better chance on the difficult labor market both in Poland and internationally.
Current educational offer includes following faculties: educational science, foreign language studies and national security at BA, MA levels as well as post-graduate studies. A significant part of research work is the dissemination of the institution’s output and the exchange of experiences through conferences and seminars.
Jurij Begus +386 1/470-00-71 |
Mission: Preservation and close-to-nature development of Slovenian forests and of all their functions for their sustainable and good management and use as well as nature conservation in forest space for the good of present and future generations.
In implementing our mission we assume responsibility for the quality of the most important natural resource in Slovenia. Our preserved, biologically diverse, cultivated, stable forests, rich in wood, together with sources of drinking water and recreational potential of forest landscape, constitute an important development priority of Slovenia. Slovenia has a rich, well-known tradition of forest management that receives support also in the European Union, where the economic and environmental significance of forests is constantly growing.
Successful forest management requires co-operation of all those who have an important influence on economic, environmental, and social indicators of forest management; we have to raise the professional and technological level and build in all forest products the highest possible added value. In doing so the Slovenia Forest Service as the central professional institution has to perform its duties with distinction and all responsibility.
University of Forestry, Sofia, Bulgaria Petar Antov, Associate Professor PhD M +359.886.438.832 |
The University of Forestry is the only university in Bulgaria providing training of specialists in the field of Forestry, Wood Technology and Furniture Production, Engineering Design of Furniture and Landscape Architecture.
The university also provides training of specialists in Ecology and Environmental Protection, Veterinary Medicine, Agronomy, Plant Protection, Business Management and Alternative tourism. The University is a leading training and research centre in the field of management and sustainable use of natural resources.
The University provides training in the three education and qualification degrees: Bachelor, Master and PhD and is fully accredited by the Bulgarian National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency, ranking among the top ten universities in the country.
The University has six faculties: Faculty of Forestry; Faculty of Forest Industry; Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture; Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; Faculty of Agronomy and Faculty of Business Management.
The University also provides customized training courses in specific areas, following the current needs of undergraduates and graduates. In the University of Forestry there is a Centre for Postgraduate Studies where professionals from different economic sectors regularly attend different courses in order to acquire knowledge, skills and qualifications that facilitate their personal development and employability and increase their competitiveness on the European labour market.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.