Forestry EduTrainer 2017-2020Formation des formateurs forestiers
Information and training registration page
Forestry EduTrainer: An Erasmus+ project
The partners thank the Erasmus agency for its confidence. They are commited to do their best to make this project successful...
To train Forestry Trainers: Why?
The project Forestry EduTrainer tackles the question of the lack of a specific training to become a forestry trainer for Vocational and Educational Training (VET) and Lifelong Learning learners.
Objective of the project
Forestry EduTrainer aims at creating a European Certificate for Forestry Trainers (ECFT), i.e. a training course for technical forestry trainers, common to all European countries.
Impacts and long term benefits
Forestry EduTrainer facilitates an effective and innovative solution to the lack of a specific training for forestry trainers in Europe.
.Latest news
Here you'll find the most recent developments in the project...
7th international meeting - Belgium - 27-28 November 2019
The project is on tracts on time. On the agenda, focus on 2nd test, training platform, dissemination, etc.
Social networks
The partners are also using social networks to promote Forestry EduTrainer project and to share information about it...
A multi-network European partnership
The project is supported by partners, all experienced in the field of forestry training, whose networks cover most European countries...
Here, you can download...
Ce projet a été financé avec le soutien de la Commission européenne.
Ce site n'engage que son auteur et la Commission n'est pas responsable de l'usage qui pourrait être fait des informations qui y sont contenues.